Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My 2 cents to stimulate the economy

I have lusted after DSLRs since they came out, but never thought we could afford one. Luckily technology advances and prices drop! So, with our refund from Uncle Sam, I was able to purchase a Canon Rebel XSi (450d). Yay!! I feel a little overwhelmed with the steep learning curve, but have already learned so much thanks to friends and the internet. I heart YouTube. I plan on taking a class soon, but until then, I'll learn what I can and just shoot as much as I can. Haiden already starts to get fussy when he sees the "big" camera come out. Sorry kid, you have a long row to hoe. Here are some pictures from the first couple of days with the camera. Hopefully soon I will get the Photoshop mystery unravelled so I can edit my masterpieces.

I also will take the time in this post to make a re-committment to update this blog to the best of my ability. I frequent Facebook and Myspace, but I know that can be a pain for Grandmas and Grandpas to navigate. I hope this blog helps all those who love our Chicken Nuggets to see their photos and read of their antics. Aloha

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Hey Becca- oh I mean Rebecca- sorry! I am happy you have a blog. Your kids are so cute. I have a blog too that I hardly update-

Hope all is well with your family and you are so lucky to be living in Hawaii!

Take care, Nat